Design: Daniel Bermúdez Samper
Design Team: Arq. Diego Buriticá, arq. Jaime Romero, arq. Fabian Medina, arq. Mauricio Medina, arq. Andrés Rodriguez
Structural Engineering: P & D Proyectos y Diseños Ltda.
Geotechincal Engineering: Ing. Agusto Espinosa Silva
Plumbing Engineering: Ing. Alvaro Tapias
Electrical Engineering: Ing. Jaime Sánchez
Contractor: H. Rojas & Asociados Ltda. (building structure) Prabyc Ing. Ltda (architectural finishes)
Photography: Enrique Guzmán
Bloque L houses two study rooms and complementary services for 92 individual students that, for the utilization of its roof surface, its spatial characteristics and its materials, continues the principles of harmonious intervention and low profile of the Alberto Lleras building. The two pavilions that comprise Bloque L, partially dug into the sloping terrain, reinstate a former circulation route that had fallen out of use and runs parallel to Bloque B. The height of the pavilions, inferior to the preexisting constructions, creates a wider view and a more spacious perception for this central area of the campus. The stepped roof terraces offer informal, open air study areas to be freely appropriated by the students.